Your tax assessment notice is ready
You have until 1 May to check if it is correct.
Please call us or chat with us if you have any questions. We're ready to take your call Monday - Friday 9-17, and our chat is open Monday - Sunday 8-17
See your tax assessment notice

Tax assessment notice 2024: Extended opening hours
Due to the release of the tax assessment notice (årsopgørelsen), we are extending our opening hours in the period from 24 March up to and including 11 April. This means that you can call us with questions about your personal tax matters from 8 -17 from Monday to Friday.
Chat with us on our website, Facebook and Instagram every day, including the weekends of 22-23 March and 29-30 March from 8-17.
Our chatbot can help you 24 hours a day.
Your Danish tax affairs
Taxation in Denmark
Setting up life, types of tax, tax liability, leaving Denmark, coming to study
Income, preliminary income assessment and tax assessment notice
Tax card, B-income, pension and early retirement, cross-border commuters
Deductions and allowances
You are entitled to deduct certain expenses
Buying, selling or renting out a home or a holiday home
Do you have unpaid debt?
Payments to the Danish Tax Agency
See how to make a payment and who to contact
Guide to E-tax
Getting started with E-tax (TastSelv)
Shares and securities
Calculating gains and losses on shares
Employee benefits
Free food and accommodation, company car, fee phone, etc.
See how much you may give tax-free
When you are from Ukraine and get a job in Denmark
Information for Ukrainian citizens
Motor vehicles
Registration offices, importing and exporting vehicles, plates, tax, etc.
Customs duties
When you buy goods outside Denmark