Residence and tax liability/Bopæls- og skatteforhold
Form no.
02.034 DA/EN
About the form
Forbeholdt personer og enkeltmandsvirksomheder
For individuals and sole proprietorships only
Blanketten skal anvendes til bekræftelse af en persons bopæls- og skatteforhold i udlandet eller i Danmark, når der ikke er indgået en dobbeltbeskatningsoverenskomst med landet. Bemærk, at:
• Hvis der er indgået en dobbeltbeskatningsoverenskomst, skal blanket 02.034A anvendes.
• En liste over lande, der er indgået en dobbeltbeskatningsoverenskomst med, kan findes her.
• Blanketten kan bruges af såvel Skattestyrelsen som af en udenlandsk skattemyndighed.
The form must be used to confirm the place of residence for tax purposes of a private individual in or outside Denmark when no double taxation agreement has been concluded with the country. Please note that:
• If a double taxation treaty has been concluded, please use form 02.034A.
• A list of countries with which a double taxation treaty has been concluded can be found here.
• The form may be used by the Danish Tax Agency or other tax authorities.
Hent blanket / download form 02.034 DA/EN
OBS! Forbeholdt personer og enkeltmandsvirksomheder
Note! For individuals and sole proprietorships only
• Husk at læse ovennævnte tekst og blanketten grundigt igennem.
• Blanketter, der ikke er udfyldt korrekt, vil blive returneret uden stempel og underskrift. Vi vil forklare, hvad problemstillingen er, så du kan udfylde blanketten korrekt.
• Please read the above text and form carefully.
• Forms that are not completed correctly will be returned without stamp and signature. We will explain what the problem is, so that you can complete the form correctly.
Forventet behandlingstid: 60 dage
Expected processing time: 60 days
Please note
Note: Please save the form on your computer before you complete it. Otherwise, you may lose unsaved data.