How you report your result/file your tax return
You report your business profit or loss by completing your tax return in E-tax for Individuals (TastSelv Borger). You also need to enter your accounting information in your tax return. Additionally, you need to enter information in certain boxes depending on the type of business and the turnover. Some citizens will also have to submit their business tax accounts.
If you have more than one business, you report the total result in your tax return in E-tax for individuals, but enter the accounting information for each business.
Once you have entered your profit or loss and accepted your entries, we generate your tax assessment notice (årsopgørelse).
If your business net revenue is less than DKK 300,000, you have to report your business result and complete certain boxes under accounting information (regnskabsoplysninger) in your tax return in E-tax for individuals.
You need to enter:
- Business CVR no. (Business registration no.) in box 300.
- Outstanding VAT or VAT receivable if you are registered for VAT in box 638.
- Select ‘Ja, fritaget fordi nettoomsætningen er under 300.000 kr.’ (Yes, exempt because the net revenue is less than DKK 300,000.) in box 301/302.
- Information about accounting assistance in box 303.
This all you need to enter under accounting information. And you do not have to submit your tax accounts.
Report the result and enter accounting information in your tax return
Watch video: This is how you report your business result if the revenue is less than DKK 300,000
Watch the video about how you report your business result and accounting information when your revenue is less than DKK 300,000.
Note: Amendment regarding tax surcharge
The tax surcharge for businesses that miss the reporting deadline has increased from a maximum of DKK 5,000 to a maximum of DKK 10,000. This means that if you don't report your business's 2023 results by 1 July at the latest, you may have to pay a tax surcharge of up to DKK 10,000 from 2025.
The video below doesn't yet reflect the updated legislation, but it will be updated as soon as possible.
(Duration 13:08 min)
You can choose English or Danish subtitles by clicking 'CC' and then the wheel where you select the relevant language under 'Captions'.
Full screen is available by clicking the 2 arrows.
If your business net revenue is more than DKK 300,000, you have to report the result of your business and enter your accounting information in you tax return in E-tax for individuals. You do not have to submit your tax accounts.
Report the result and enter accounting information in your tax return
Watch video: This is how you report your business result if the revenue is more than DKK 300,000
Watch the video about how you report your business result and the additional accounting information when your revenue is more than DKK 300,000.
Note: Amendment regarding tax surcharge
The tax surcharge for businesses that miss the reporting deadline has increased from a maximum of DKK 5,000 to a maximum of DKK 10,000. This means that if you don't report your business's 2023 results by 1 July at the latest, you may have to pay a tax surcharge of up to DKK 10,000 from 2025.
The video below doesn't yet reflect the updated legislation, but it will be updated as soon as possible.
(Duration 17:15 min.)
You can choose English or Danish subtitles by clicking 'CC' and then the wheel where you select the relevant language under 'Captions'.
Full screen is available by clicking the 2 arrows.
Download an example of accounting information in Danish (pdf)
Other rules apply if, for tax purposes, your business is a non-commercial business (a hobby business). In this case, you cannot deduct a loss and you have to enter information in other boxes.
Are you unsure of whether your business is a commercial business and do you need to know how you report your result, you can read more about what you need to do as a non-commercial business (hobby business).
If you own a business with 2 or more owners and none of the owners participate considerably in the running of the business (limited partners/anpartsvirksomhed (kommanditister/anpartsvirksomhed)) you have to report the business profit or loss in your tax return and submit your tax accounts in E-tax for individuals. You do not have to enter further accounting information in your tax return.
Unless your business is subject to the rules on joint tax accounts.
If you offer up to 2 leases in real property (including parents renting out to their children) and your revenue is less than DKK 300,000, you have to report your business result and complete certain boxes under accounting information in your tax return in E-tax for individuals.
You need to enter:
- Business CVR no. (Business registration no.) in box 300.
- Outstanding VAT or VAT receivable if you are registered for VAT in box 638.
- Select ‘Ja, fritaget efter virksomhedstype’ (Yes, exempt according to business type) in box 301/302.
This is all you need to enter under accounting information. And you do not have to submit your tax accounts.
Report the result and enter your accounting information in your tax return
Click 'Ret årsopgørelsen/oplysningsskemaet (Change your tax assessment notice/tax return).
Certain figures in your tax return will be pre-printed. Consider if these figures are correct and make relevant corrections.
Click 'Næste' (Next) to enter your business profit in box 111 or your loss in box 112. Check to see if you need to complete other relevant fields.
Scroll down to ‘Regnskabsoplysninger' (Accounting information) and click ‘Oplys' (Make your declaration). Complete relevant fields.
Click 'Gem' (Save). You will be asked if you want to enter information for other businesses. If not, click 'Tilbage' (Back).
Consider if you need to enter any other information in your tax return. Remember that your tax return applies to both your business and your private financial situation.
Click 'Næste' (Next) and then 'Godkend' (Accept).
Once you have completed your tax return, you will see a receipt and you can see your tax assessment notice. If something is incorrect, you will be prompted to complete missing information before your tax assessment notice can be generated.
Your tax assessment notice will show if you have paid too much tax and are entitled to a refund of overpaid tax or if you have paid too little tax.