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How to register your business

You have to register your business for VAT when the sale of goods and services exceeds DKK 50,000 in a period of 12 months.

If your sales is less than DKK 50,000 in a period of 12 months, it's optional to register for VAT.

You do the VAT registration at virk.dk:

  1. Register your business for VAT at virk.dk: Ændre virksomhed (change business status)
  2. Complete the registration form
  3. Accept using MitID Erhverv )MitID for businesses)


Remember to file your VAT return and pay VAT in E-tax for businesses

Once you have registered your business for VAT, you have to file your VAT return and pay VAT in E-tax for businesses (Tast-Selv Erhverv).

Please note that when you are registered for VAT, you always have to file your VAT reutnr before the deadline. This also applies if your income subject to VAT is less than DKK 50,000 and even if you haven't sold any good subject to VAT in the period. We call the VAT return you have to make for periods with no sale a 'zero declaration' (nulindberetning).

Read more about filing a VAT return and zero declarations.