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Can I see non-Danish information in E-tax?

Here, you can see your non-Danish income in E-tax

  1. Log on to E-tax (our self-service system)
  2. Click Skatteoplysninger (Tax information) > Indkomstår (Income year) > Udenlands indkomst (Non-Danish income) > Oplysninger modtaget fra udlandet (Information received from outside Denmark).

We regularly get information from non-Danish authorities and others about interest, dividends, salary, pension payments and income from property. If you log on to E-tax, you can see the specific information we have registered about you. 

It's your responsibility to submit the correct information on time

As we get information on a regular basis and often from different income years, you can't be sure that all your non-Danish income is stated in E-tax when it's time to report the various information.

And please note that information is not automatically transferred from E-tax to your tax assessment notice/tax return. 

As a result, you have to keep track of your non-Danish income and report the correct information in your tax assessment notice/tax return - even if that information still has to be registered in E-tax.

If your non-Danish income is regsitered in E-tax

  • Check if the information is correct
  • If you agree, you have to report the information in your tax return/tax assessment notice. Read more Reporting non-Danish income
  • If you disagree, you have to:
    • ask the provider of information to correct the information for international tax authorities that submits information to us
    • enter the amount you believe to be correct in your tax return/tax assessment notice.