Private-sector Oeresund commuters
Are you a private-sector employee, who commute/travel between Denmark and Sweden every day to get to and from work? If so, you are probably entitled to apply the Oeresund agreement.
What is the Oeresund agreement?
The Oeresund agreement is a tax agreement between Denmark and Sweden stating that as a commuter you will be taxed on your entire income in the country (Denmark/Sweden) where you work (country of work).
To be included in the agreement, you have to be present physically in the country of work for at least half of your total working hours in any 3-month period. If that isn't so for periods during the year (working from home could be an example), you are not included in the agreement in those periods and you will then be taxed in the country you live.
When your tax affairs change, you have to make adjustments in your tax assessment notice/tax return.
New rules from 1 January 2025
On 1 January 2025, a new Oeresund agreement was implemented and with that new rules on your physical presence in your country of work for the agreement to apply.
According to the new rules, your total working hours in your country of work must be at least half of your total working hours throughout a calendar year (any 12-month period).
For further legal information in Danish see our legal guide .