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Your tax assessment notice is ready


You can check it until 1 May.

Please note that the tax assessment notice and the payment option are now available in English.

Par der er flyttet

Pay outstanding tax for 2023

Your tax assessment notice for 2023 will be ready on 11 March 2024. It tells you if you'll get a tax refund or if you have paid too little tax in 2023.

The deadline for voluntary payment of outstanding tax is 1 July 2024. You an pay by means of dankort until 23:59 or via online banking within the opening hours of your online banking option. 

You can read more about interest and interest surcharge below. When you pay your outstanding tax, it will be registered 2-3 working days after the day you pay. You can see your receipt in E-tax (our self-service system TastSelv) under ’Betaling - Betalingshistorik’ (Payment - payment history).

If you want to avoid having to pay outstanding tax in March 2024, you should check whether your preliminary income assessment for 2023 is correct.

Pay outstanding tax for 2023

For further legal information in Danish see our legal guide .