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Your tax assessment notice is ready

Are you entitled to a deduction for household services for 2023? If so, remember to claim it in your tax assessment notice.

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Household services

You are entitled to claim a deduction for the wage costs on certain household services such as cleaning, minding of children or garden work carried out in your home or in your holiday home.

Claim your deduction for household services in E-tax (TastSelv):

  • For 2023: From 15 January you can claim your deduction for household services in your tax assessment notice (årsopgørelsen) for 2023. You do so by selecting 'Indberet servicefradrag for 2023' (Claim deduction for household services for 2023) in E-tax. 

  • For 2024: You can claim your expected deduction for household services for 2024 in field 416 in your preliminary income assessment (forskudsopgørelsen). If you have already received and paid bills for household services, you can ¨make such claims in E-tax.
    Select 'Forskudsopgørelsen 2024' (Preliminary income assessment 2024) and click the calculator next to field 416 'Servicefradrag' (Deduction for household services). When you have made the claim and the payment date is stated, the claim will be transferred to your tax assessment notice for 2024 which you will get in March 2025.

See our video: How to claim a household service deduction in your preliminary income assessment (click cc. for English subtitles)

Work that was carried out in 2023, should be paid by 29 February 2024 for you to be entitled to a deduction. If you paid at later point in time, you are entitled to the deduction in the year you made the payment.

For further legal information in Danish see our legal guide .