General terms
- You have to be subject to general tax liability in Denmark and you must have turned 18 by the end of the year in which the work was carried out.
- The deduction is per person per household. Spouses and cohabiting partners with joint finances may split the deduction as they wish, regardless of who paid for the services. Each spouse/cohabiting partner is entitled to a tax deduction for household services of DKK 17,500 in 2025 (DKK 11,900 in 2024) and DKK 8,600 in 2025 for home improvement services. The amount is not automatically transferred between spouses so you both have to enter your share.
- Children aged 18 or more living at home may claim the deduction if they have paid for the service themselves.
- To get a tax deduction, the amount must be paid by dankort, MobilePay or online banking. Cash payments are not tax deductible.
- You have to live in your all-year residence while the work is ongoing to get a deduction. If you have more than one all-year residence, you are only entitled to a deduction for home improvement services for work done in the home that you have registered with Folkeregisteret as your residence.
- Even if you have an all-year residence as well as a holiday home, you are entitled to a maximum tax deduction for household services of DKK 17,500 in 2025 (DKK 11,900 in 2024) and DKK 8,600 in 2025 for home improvement services.
- You are only entitled to a deduction for home improvement services for maintenance and renovation of an existing all-year residence or holiday home. In other words, you cannot get a deduction for new builds.
- You are not entitled to a deduction for expenses related to work for which you have received a subsidy according to other public schemes.
- You are not entitled to a deduction for expenses related to work carried out by individuals whose permanent address is at the house undergoing work.
- You must have an invoice (from a business) or a written statement (from an individual) documenting the work, and you have to pay for it electronically, regardless of the size of the amount.
- Household services: You have to pay for the work carried out before 1 March the following year (for example, work carried out in 2024 must have been paid for no later than 28 February 2025).
For further legal information in Danish see our legal guide .