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Reporting information in E-payroll (LetLøn)

You can report pay and fees to your employees through our free online payroll system: E-payroll (LetLøn)

E-Payroll includes 2 different systems:

  1. The calculation system (you do not have your own payroll system)
  2. The reporting system (you have your own payroll system)

You sign up for one of the systems in E-tax for businesses. The calculation system is the most widely used.

  • You need to register as an employer before you can start using E-payroll (LetLøn). You do so at www.virk.dk
  • You can sign up for E-payroll from the first day of each month.
  • Before signing up, you have to report any salary, A-tax, etc., for periods prior to registration.
  • It is not possible to report pension contributions or Sunday and public holiday payments through the E-payroll calculation system.

Extended payment deadlines for A-tax and labour market contributions in July and August 2023

The Danish parliament (Folketinget) has voted to extend the payment deadlines for A-tax and labour market contribution (AM-bidrag) in July and August. Increased energy taxes and the resulting cash flow strain have caused the new deadlines. 

Please note that the reporting deadline hasn’t been extended.

Read more about the new deadlines under A-tax and labour market contribution deadlines at Payments and Deadlines.

Register as an employer on www.virk.dk

For further legal information in Danish see our legal guide .