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Pay via the VAT One Stop Shop Scheme

See what information you need to make the payment. Pay on time and avoid being deregistered from the VAT One Stop Shop Scheme.

When you have reported your VAT via the One Stop Shop Scheme, you get a receipt stating how you make your payment. You only have to pay your VAT on sales to private consumers in the EU in one place. Then we will make sure to forward the VAT to the EU countries where your sales were.

If you haven't paid

We will let you know if you fail to meet the payment deadline. If you can't make the payment, you have to get somebody else do it for your. The deadline can't be extended. 

If you fail to meet the reporting or payment deadline on several occasions, you may risk being deregistered from the scheme and be excluded from the scheme for 2 years.

Deadlines: reporting and payment