05.022 EN - Controlled transactions - Appendix to the income tax return
Form no.
05.022 EN
About the form
Form 05.022 is an appendix to the tax return about controlled transactions.
According to section 38 of the Danish Tax Control Act, all tax liable legal entities must declare their controlled transactions with affiliated entities through the digital tax declaration system TastSelv Selskabsskat (DIAS) (E-tax for companies (DIAS).
Individuals can submit the data by using the form 05.022 and submit it through TastSelv: Kontakt → Skriv til os → Indsend/indberet til os (fx blanket) → Oplysninger om kontrollerede transaktioner (05.022).
Hydrocarbon companies can submit the form 05.022 together with their tax declaration.
(Excel file)
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Please note
Note: Please save the form on your computer before you complete it. Otherwise, you may lose unsaved data.