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Correction to Section 21 of PAL, which is determined under section 4a of PAL (foreign institutions), 07.070 K EN

Form no.

07.070 K EN

About the form

Determination under section 21 of the Danish Pension Investment Return Tax Act (Pensionsafkastbeskatningsloven (PAL)), which is determined under section 4a of PAL (non-Danish institutions).

The correction declaration can be submitted once in each period:

  • 1 January - 1 February
  • 1 April - 1 May
  • 1 July - 1 August
  • 1 October - 1 November

Download form 07.070_K_EN for income year 2024 and forward

Download form 07.070 K EN for income year until and including 2023

Guidelines to form 07.070 K EN

For Apple users:

We often get forms with empty fields from people who have used the Safari browser or Mac Image Viewer to complete the fields. The empty fields are due to a technical issue in the PDF format. So, we encourage Mac users to complete the forms in a different brwoser or use other software and then submet the forms to us.

Please note

Note: Please save the form on your computer before you complete it. Otherwise, you may lose unsaved data.