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Your tax assessment notice is ready


You have until 1 May to check if it is correct.

Please call us or chat with us if you have any questions. We're ready to take your call Monday - Friday 9-17, and our chat is open Monday - Sunday 8-17



Par der er flyttet

Good to know when you check your tax assessment notice for 2024

  1. Open your new tax assessment notice
    See if you get a tax refund or if you have to pay outstanding tax.
  2. Check that the information entered is correct
    Make sure you change your tax assessment notice if it shows incorrect amounts or information. The deadline for making changes is 1 May 2025.

    See the video about why you should check your tax assessment notice (click cc to enable captions)

  3. Remember to include your deductions
    Try our deduction guide to see which deductions may be relevant for you

    Remember that you always have to enter certain deductions and amounts

  4. Do you have to pay outstanding tax?
    Avoid interest surcharge by payint your outstanding tax before teh deadline on 1 July 2025.
    Read more about outstanding tax and why you may have outstanding tax to pay
  5. Be on top of your financial sitaution and yoru tax
    Make sure to update your numbers and information in your preliminary income assessment (forskudsopgørelse) for 2025. This way you pay the right tax each month - no more, no less.

Tax assessment notice - there is a difference if you're an individual or a business

For individuals

On Monday 24 March you can see your tax assessment notice in E-tax and find out if you will get a tax refund or if you paid too little tax last year and have to pay outstanding tax. The deadline for making changes to your 2024 assessment is 1 May 2025.

If you failed to enter amounts or change your assessment for 2023, you still have time to do so in E-tax. There, you can change your tax assessment notices for earlier years - let's say you forgot to enter a deduction or certain income.

Read more about correcting earlier tax assessment notices

For businesses

If you want to report information before your tax assessment notice is generated, you have to do so by no later than 1 July 2025. When you have reported and accepted such information, your assessment will be generated. Your tax assessment notice tells your if you will have to pay outstanding tax of if you will get a tax refund.

Generally, you get a tax return if you run a business or have non-Danish income.

Read more about reporting on profit or loss of own business

Read more about reporting non-Danish income, including assets and property

If you would like to see your expected income, deductions and tax for 2025, please go to your preliminary income assessment (forskudsopgørelse)


Get a deduction for household services

If you have paid for cleaning, gardening or other services in your home, you can report the expense in box 461.

See which household services that entitle you to a deduction


Don't forget to claim your transport deduction

If you're entitled to a deduction for transport between home and work, you have to claim it yourself in your tax assessment notice. Remember that you're not entitled to the deduction on days with no commute such as days working from home, days off sich or holidays.

Try our guide to see if you're entitled to a deduction for transport between home and work


Do you receive non-Danish pay or pension?

Don't forget to tell us if you live in Denmark and get paid or a pension from outside Denmark.

Read more about non-Danish income

Are you new to the world of tax matters and the tax assessment notice?

Let's help you get ready for your tax assessment notice when you're new to the tax assessment notice. We would like to help you pay the right tax, not too much or too little.

Read more in Danish about how you check your tax assessment notice

Check your housing tax and housing tax loans

Your tax assessment notice shows you how much housing tax you paid in 2024. You can also see and pay your housing tax loans.

This is how you see your housing tax and housing tax loans

Do you have any questions about your tax assessment notice?

Please call us Monday-Friday 9-17

72 22 27 95

You can also write to us

Chat with us or find us on social media

Every day all week 8-17