For individuals
On Monday 24 March you can see your tax assessment notice in E-tax and find out if you will get a tax refund or if you paid too little tax last year and have to pay outstanding tax. The deadline for making changes to your 2024 assessment is 1 May 2025.
If you failed to enter amounts or change your assessment for 2023, you still have time to do so in E-tax. There, you can change your tax assessment notices for earlier years - let's say you forgot to enter a deduction or certain income.
Read more about correcting earlier tax assessment notices
For businesses
If you want to report information before your tax assessment notice is generated, you have to do so by no later than 1 July 2025. When you have reported and accepted such information, your assessment will be generated. Your tax assessment notice tells your if you will have to pay outstanding tax of if you will get a tax refund.
Generally, you get a tax return if you run a business or have non-Danish income.
Read more about reporting on profit or loss of own business
Read more about reporting non-Danish income, including assets and property
If you would like to see your expected income, deductions and tax for 2025, please go to your preliminary income assessment (forskudsopgørelse).