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Hired out to a Danish business

If you live outside Denmark, are employed by an enterprise which is not Danish, and you are going to perform work in a Danish enterprise, you are liable to pay 8% labour market contributions and 30% international hiring-out of labour tax. The Danish enterprise pays the tax on your behalf. After that, your employer deducts the Danish tax before he pays you your salary.

  • You are liable to pay 8% labour market contributions and 30% international hiring-out of labour tax.
  • The Danish enterprise makes sure that your Danish tax is paid.
  • You do not need to file a tax return, but you will receive a statement of Danish taxes paid.
  • You can choose to pay tax according to the general rules on limited tax liability, which will entitle you to certain deductions and variable tax rates.
  • You can obtain tax relief in your home country.

For further legal information in Danish see our legal guide .