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Report on time to avoid estimates

If you fail to report on time, we make an estimate for you (a provisional estimate). An estimate will cost you a penalty of DKK 800 for each period you are late reporting. Interest will be added. The longer you wait, the more it will cost you.

If you fail to report on time, we will make an estimate – also called a provisional estimate – of your VAT, excise duties, payroll tax, A-tax and labour market contributions.

You are responsible for submitting your reporting correctly and on time. So, it's important that you replace our  estimate with the correct reporting.

We charge you a penalty of DKK 800 per period if you miss the deadline for submitting your reporting. Please note that interest will also be charged until the penalty is paid. So, the longer you wait, the more you have to pay. You must pay the penalty even if you submit your reporting and pay the correct amount subsequently.

If the balance in your Tax Account is positive from the deadline and until we make an estimate, you will not get any payment. Any positive balance will be use to pay the estimate before possible payment.